It's just another manic Monday, and I have a zoo field trip with my son and his pre-school class scheduled for today.
Tell me that I'm not the only mom who does not get excited for these little outings? One the one hand, it IS fun to see the kiddos learn and discover new things, but on the other hand, it's a day that he would normally be at school for a few hours, but now I am involved, and there is no school.
Don't most stay at home mom's of pre-schoolers relish the 3 hour break 3 times a week that school provides? Um, no? Just me? I think not! Anyhow, I'm sure it will wind up being fun, right? :-)
On with the show...I found just a few things on my thrifting outings this week.
If you've read my blog for any length of time, then you know my thing for ironstone...I found this creamer at the GW for 59 cents! Yeah, baby!
I also found these cool art nouveau architectural pieces at GW. They were copper, and I sprayed them with my go- to Rustoleum Rustic Mist metallic spray paint. Seriously, I am ready for my check from Rustoleum now! ;-)
They are about 10 inches each, and I only paid $1.99 each!
This wall basket was a local antique store find. It's not old, but it is second hand. I paid $5 for it. I had some little ivy plants that I brought home from the nursery today, so I was just playing, and stuffed them in with some burlap garland, just to get an idea of what it would look like with greens in it. I think I will use this in a client's house that I am working on right now.
It looks kind of cute with the burlap mixed in, but I will use something different when I fill it for my client. Just wanted to play around while I was taking pics.
And finally, my favorite thing, I think...
Cute little locker basket, bought for $15 at a local consignment store.
I love it!
So, that's my loot so far...
I'm sure I will find more treasures this week. I'm planning on hitting the Wednesday flea market at the fairgrounds in Ventura.
Ok, well, I am off to learn about the animals with my son on the zoo field trip!
Have a fantastic week!
Linking up to the following...

I also found these cool art nouveau architectural pieces at GW. They were copper, and I sprayed them with my go- to Rustoleum Rustic Mist metallic spray paint. Seriously, I am ready for my check from Rustoleum now! ;-)
They are about 10 inches each, and I only paid $1.99 each!
This wall basket was a local antique store find. It's not old, but it is second hand. I paid $5 for it. I had some little ivy plants that I brought home from the nursery today, so I was just playing, and stuffed them in with some burlap garland, just to get an idea of what it would look like with greens in it. I think I will use this in a client's house that I am working on right now.
It looks kind of cute with the burlap mixed in, but I will use something different when I fill it for my client. Just wanted to play around while I was taking pics.
And finally, my favorite thing, I think...
Cute little locker basket, bought for $15 at a local consignment store.
I love it!
So, that's my loot so far...
I'm sure I will find more treasures this week. I'm planning on hitting the Wednesday flea market at the fairgrounds in Ventura.
Ok, well, I am off to learn about the animals with my son on the zoo field trip!
Have a fantastic week!
Linking up to the following...