Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Heart Spray Paint! Iron Bench and Plant Stand Re-Do.

Have I mentioned before how much I heart spray paint? Maybe in the Vintage Desk Re-Do project? Or the Bookcase update? Etc, etc. It is a staple tool in my DIY arsenal here at Casa BDG.

It's been raining here on and off for the last couple of days. It seems there are a few hours of sun in the morning, and then the clouds roll in. This is normally fine by me, as we could always use the rain here in California.

Today though, I am trying to bang out a quick project, and I am really hoping that the clouds will keep rolling on by. 

I have been meaning to hit my little black iron bench and plant stand with some metallic bronze paint for a while now. So, today, even before my coffee, I thought I should just get 'er done!

 I removed the cushions a few days ago, in preparation for the rain.
 See how the paint is just faded? No problem! A little spray paint is like plastic surgery for furniture! (Or maybe Botox. It's easier!)

 Here they are after 2 good coats.
 I used my usual brand. Seriously Rustoleum people, I would really consider being your spokesperson...$$$ :-) Hint, hint!

 And as soon as I was finished painting...the clouds rolled in. I am just hoping for a little drying time. I don't feel like carrying these to the garage!

I will be back later (when the sun is out) with pics of them in place with cute cushions.
Have a great day, everyone!

It's been a few hours, and the sun came out again long enough for me to snap a few more picks. I do plan on getting some fresh new cushions. I decided not to photograph the old ones. This deserves fresh cushions now!



  1. They look great! I love spray paint too. It's amazing what a difference it make on pretty much anything. Enjoy! Megan

  2. My hubby will tell ya that I will spray paint anything not nailed down. I have several pieces on our porch that need painting...if only this dreadful pollen would go away! They look great!! Love the color you chose.

    1. Hahaha! I know! My hubs would say the same. Now he just gives me the eye roll when I bring home more spray paint!
      That pollen is torture! Hope it goes away soon!

  3. I love your new "botoxed" furniture! You are hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh and inspiring me today!



    1. Haha! Yes, well, I did not walk 500 miles, but I did transform 2 tired looking pieces of patio furniture . I'm guessing that you burned more calories! ;-) Just sayin'. I gotta get a move on!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Ah ... there's no denying the power of (spray) paint! It's like those stormy clouds have parted ...



  5. Beautiful! It makes such a difference! I love the color, it goes so well with your stucco on your house. Very rich.

  6. I hope the weather cooperated. Looks great. Thanks for hsharing.

  7. Was any sanding necessary before painting? We have a similar bench and have waited waaayyy too long and now the old paint is peeling and there is a bit of rust. My daughter and I are on our way to a spray paint addiction like the rest of you, but are afraid to start without knowing what prep work is needed.


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